List of Participants
Financial movement
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Four current urgent projects
Introducing composting and horticulture in 20 public schools in Resende RJ
Environmental education and urban agriculture with the Municipal Department of Education

Group of Socioenvironmental Practices at Colégio Estadual Antônio Quirino - CEAQ
Composting - Young Essays Festival - Youth Development - Courses
Youth Sustainable Development Network
Virtual international community around the pilot project Group of Socionevironmental Practices
Mini garden at the municipal day care center in Visconde de Mauá village.
Preparing who will take care of the region 60, 70 years from now...

The five priorities and their activities

1. Community communication and organization

Urban and environmental improvements

Socio-environmental education and youth development

Solid waste management

5. Local economy and professional training

12 months of relentless activities (presentation)
About Visconde de Mauá and our project (presentation)
Evoluir para năo involuir
Evolve to not involute